发布时间:2016-09-20 来源:m.miyupu.com 录入:谜语铺
生物室标语 所谓实践才能出真知,生物课堂的理论课后总会有实践课来证明理论课的知识,为实验室选择合适的标语是一种对实验室增添的温性提示。
1. 细心观察,认真分析,科学总结。
2. 凡事不经实践检验就肯定这是愚蠢。
3. 权然后知轻重,度然后知长短。
Having weighted it we know is importance.
Having considered it we know is drawback.
4. 除了实验之外,没有别的办法可以识别错误。
Nothing but experiment can distinguish mistakes.
5. 科学是指挥官,实践是战士。
Science is a commander while practice is a soldier.
6. 善学者尽其理,善行者究其难。
Find out how to learn to learn well, Find out how to go to go farther.
7. 耳闻不如一见,一见不如实验。
8. 虚争空言,不如试之易效。
9. 感觉并不欺骗人,判断倒会欺骗人。
10. 大胆探索,反复实验。
11. 传闻不如亲见,视影不如察形。
Seeing is better than hearing and in vesting is better than seeing.
12. 知之者不如行之者。
To do is better than to say.
13. 实验是科学之父。
Experiment is the father of science.
14. 任何人都得承认实验是科学之父。
Anyone has admitted an experiment is the father of science.
15. 一切推理都必须从观察与实验中得来。
All of the reasons must come from observation and experiments.
16. 耳闻不如目见,目见不如足践。
Seeing is better than listening while practice is the best.
17. 纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事须躬行。
One shouldn’t believe everything he close oneself rather than truths from books.
18. 探索求知明理
Explore truths ,seek knowledge and you'll understand reasons.
19. 坐观垂钓者,徒有羡鱼情。
Lookers-one will not experience happiness of observers.
20. 耳闻不如一见,一见不如实验。
Nothing is better than experiments.
21. 虚争空言,不如试之易效。
Attempt is more effective than empty words.
22. 感觉并不欺骗人,判断倒会欺骗人。
Feeling is not always right but judging sometimes.
23. 大胆探索,反复实验。
Explore bravely and do experiments repeatedly.
24. 细心观察,认真分析,科学总结。
Careful observation seriously analysis and scientific summary.
25. 凡事不经实践检验就肯定这是愚蠢。
Without practice everything proves to be failure
1. 细心观察,认真分析,科学总结。
2. 凡事不经实践检验就肯定这是愚蠢。
3. 权然后知轻重,度然后知长短。
Having weighted it we know is importance.
Having considered it we know is drawback.
4. 除了实验之外,没有别的办法可以识别错误。
Nothing but experiment can distinguish mistakes.
5. 科学是指挥官,实践是战士。
Science is a commander while practice is a soldier.
6. 善学者尽其理,善行者究其难。
Find out how to learn to learn well, Find out how to go to go farther.
7. 耳闻不如一见,一见不如实验。
8. 虚争空言,不如试之易效。
9. 感觉并不欺骗人,判断倒会欺骗人。
10. 大胆探索,反复实验。
11. 传闻不如亲见,视影不如察形。
Seeing is better than hearing and in vesting is better than seeing.
12. 知之者不如行之者。
To do is better than to say.
13. 实验是科学之父。
Experiment is the father of science.
14. 任何人都得承认实验是科学之父。
Anyone has admitted an experiment is the father of science.
15. 一切推理都必须从观察与实验中得来。
All of the reasons must come from observation and experiments.
16. 耳闻不如目见,目见不如足践。
Seeing is better than listening while practice is the best.
17. 纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事须躬行。
One shouldn’t believe everything he close oneself rather than truths from books.
18. 探索求知明理
Explore truths ,seek knowledge and you'll understand reasons.
19. 坐观垂钓者,徒有羡鱼情。
Lookers-one will not experience happiness of observers.
20. 耳闻不如一见,一见不如实验。
Nothing is better than experiments.
21. 虚争空言,不如试之易效。
Attempt is more effective than empty words.
22. 感觉并不欺骗人,判断倒会欺骗人。
Feeling is not always right but judging sometimes.
23. 大胆探索,反复实验。
Explore bravely and do experiments repeatedly.
24. 细心观察,认真分析,科学总结。
Careful observation seriously analysis and scientific summary.
25. 凡事不经实践检验就肯定这是愚蠢。
Without practice everything proves to be failure
- 望树 评论 发表于 2018-10-04 23:15:24
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