发布时间:2016-09-11 来源:m.miyupu.com 录入:谜语铺
安吉丽娜朱莉语录 看过《古墓丽影》、《史密斯夫妇》的影迷们肯定认识安吉丽娜·朱莉,她是好莱坞电影明星、社会活动家、联合国高级难民署特使。以下是她的13条安吉丽娜朱莉语录,献给给位粉丝们。
1.It's not my responsiblity to have a personal life that everybody's comfortable with.
2.If you don't get out of the box you've been raised in, you won't understand how much bigger the world is.
3.Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from over mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life.
4. If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me.
5.When I'm alive ,I'd live my life the way i want, and live in the moment with my feet on solid ground.
6.Age is beautiful. My mother was beautiful. She was when she passed away. I have a family that loves me as I am. I see little bits of me in my daughter - so that's beauty to me. Honesty is also beauty.
7.Life comes with many challenges. The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.
8. I don't see women, men, or black, white. I don't see a handicapped person, I just see the person. I see the aura, the energy."
9. I'm tired of crying and feeling so helpless. I want to breathe again just for a little while. Then I will do whatever I can to help these people. How could I not once I met them, once I saw them.
10.I don't take a lot of that "you're so hot" stuff seriously. I'm a really goofy odd little person and people will discover that eventually. For instance, I only wear black because I'm a slob. In fact, I only wear clothes that don't show spilled coffee. I'm one of the most flawed people. I woke up this morning and broke the phone by falling over.
11. We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
相爱并非因为对方完美,但是为了爱,学着将对方的不完美看作完美 。
12.Love one person, take care of them until you die. You know, raise kids. Have a good life. Be a good friend. And try to be completely who you are. And figure out what you personally love. And like, go after it with everything you've got no matter how much it takes.
13.I felt beautiful when I was in Cambodia [for Tomb Raider]. I was sweaty, and my hair was matted and all over the place. And I was happy and hot and accomplishing a lot and running around, and I could feel my heart beating, and I felt beautiful. And barefoot or first thing in the morning, I feel beautiful. Because I feel like me. I didn't always feel that way, but I feel that way now. When somebody just loves you, and when you make somebody happy, when your presence seems to make them happy, you suddenly feel like the most beautiful person in the world.
安吉丽娜·朱莉1975年6月4日出生于洛杉矶,好莱坞电影明星、社会活动家、联合国高级难民署特使。毕业于the lee strasberg theatre & film institute和纽约大学电影学院。
1989年朱莉以模特开始职业生涯,期间参加过Meat Loaf, Lenny Kravitz,Lemonheads的音乐MTV拍摄。1992年的《电子人2》是朱莉的第一部大荧幕作品。1998到2000年朱莉连续三年凭借《乔治·华莱士》《霓裳情挑》以及《移魂女郎》获得3次金球奖,2次艾美奖提名,以及第72届奥斯卡最佳女配角奖。2009年凭借《换子疑云》获得第81届奥斯卡最佳女主角提名。
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1.It's not my responsiblity to have a personal life that everybody's comfortable with.
2.If you don't get out of the box you've been raised in, you won't understand how much bigger the world is.
3.Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from over mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life.
4. If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me.
5.When I'm alive ,I'd live my life the way i want, and live in the moment with my feet on solid ground.
6.Age is beautiful. My mother was beautiful. She was when she passed away. I have a family that loves me as I am. I see little bits of me in my daughter - so that's beauty to me. Honesty is also beauty.
7.Life comes with many challenges. The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.
8. I don't see women, men, or black, white. I don't see a handicapped person, I just see the person. I see the aura, the energy."
9. I'm tired of crying and feeling so helpless. I want to breathe again just for a little while. Then I will do whatever I can to help these people. How could I not once I met them, once I saw them.
10.I don't take a lot of that "you're so hot" stuff seriously. I'm a really goofy odd little person and people will discover that eventually. For instance, I only wear black because I'm a slob. In fact, I only wear clothes that don't show spilled coffee. I'm one of the most flawed people. I woke up this morning and broke the phone by falling over.
11. We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
相爱并非因为对方完美,但是为了爱,学着将对方的不完美看作完美 。
12.Love one person, take care of them until you die. You know, raise kids. Have a good life. Be a good friend. And try to be completely who you are. And figure out what you personally love. And like, go after it with everything you've got no matter how much it takes.
13.I felt beautiful when I was in Cambodia [for Tomb Raider]. I was sweaty, and my hair was matted and all over the place. And I was happy and hot and accomplishing a lot and running around, and I could feel my heart beating, and I felt beautiful. And barefoot or first thing in the morning, I feel beautiful. Because I feel like me. I didn't always feel that way, but I feel that way now. When somebody just loves you, and when you make somebody happy, when your presence seems to make them happy, you suddenly feel like the most beautiful person in the world.
安吉丽娜·朱莉1975年6月4日出生于洛杉矶,好莱坞电影明星、社会活动家、联合国高级难民署特使。毕业于the lee strasberg theatre & film institute和纽约大学电影学院。
1989年朱莉以模特开始职业生涯,期间参加过Meat Loaf, Lenny Kravitz,Lemonheads的音乐MTV拍摄。1992年的《电子人2》是朱莉的第一部大荧幕作品。1998到2000年朱莉连续三年凭借《乔治·华莱士》《霓裳情挑》以及《移魂女郎》获得3次金球奖,2次艾美奖提名,以及第72届奥斯卡最佳女配角奖。2009年凭借《换子疑云》获得第81届奥斯卡最佳女主角提名。
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- 蒙面行者 评论 发表于 2018-04-24 19:05:38